Jacquard Puff Additive 4oz

Jacquard Puff Additive 4oz

Price: $22.99

Jacquard Puff Additive is used to increase the relief of prints on paper, fabric and other surfaces. Simply mix a little of the additive into your Jacquard Screen Ink (up to 20%), print as usual and then apply heat to your print. The microspheres in the Puff Additive expand with heat, giving you a raised print only after heating. Once puffed, the print is washfast and dry cleanable.

Part Number: JSI1300
3 Availability Product Selection will vary by location.

Jacquard Puff Additive
4oz jar

Part No./SKU JSI1300
U/M / EA
Price $22.99
Brand Jacquard
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