Jacquard Screen Ink Discharge Additive 8oz

Jacquard Screen Ink Discharge Additive 8oz

Price: $20.39$25.49

Screen Ink Discharge Additive helps achieve bright, vibrant screened colors on dyed dark fabrics without laying down an undercoat of white ink. Simply add to screen ink, screen and steam. This process helps retain a softer hand on fabric than is achievable with multiple layers of ink and reduces the amount of screening necessary. Works only on dyed fabrics.

Part Number: JSI2199
3 Availability Product Selection will vary by location.

Jacquard Screen Ink Discharge Additive
8 fl. oz bottle

Part No./SKU JSI2199
Regular Retail Price $25.49
U/M / EA
Price $20.39
Brand Jacquard
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