Jacquard Sensitizer Cyanotype Set

Jacquard Sensitizer Cyanotype Set

Price: $19.49

Use the power of the sun to create gorgeous Prussian blue monochromatic prints on paper or fabric in just minutes!

This set makes creating the early photographic method of cyanotype monochromatic prints fun and easy!
Includes the two part chemical processes that makes your paper or fabric sensitive to light and shadow.

Part Number: JCY1100
19 Availability Product Selection will vary by location.

Jacquard Sensitizer Cyanotype Set
Part A and Part B Solutions for making approximately 65 8" × 10" prints on paper, or 40 8" × 10" prints on fabric, depending on the absorbency of the substrate.

Part No./SKU JCY1100
U/M / EA
Price $19.49
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