Michael Harding Artists Oil Colours - Cremnitz White 2 (No. 307) - 40ml

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Michael Harding Artists Oil Colours - Cremnitz White 2 (No. 307) - 40ml

Price: $31.99$39.99

Series 3 (No. 307)

Part Number: MH30740
11 Availability Product Selection will vary by location.

Inorganic – Created for fun, Michael Harding put this version of Cremnitz White into his range because of walnut oil. This combination of pigment and walnut oil produces wonderful qualities, a favorite of which is translucency. Another is the brushing quality, which makes painting with Cremnitz so rewarding. These qualities allow the artist to create wonderful flesh tones and thick, translucent brush strokes, thus providing the artist with a feel for the way the Old Masters painted—with ease and flow.

Colour Index PW1
Drying Speed Slow
Transparency Semi-Transparent
Lightfastness Excellent
Oil Content Very Low
Oil Type Walnut Oil
Tint Power Average
Toxicity Toxic
ASTM D-4236 Yes
Prop 65 Yes

Part No./SKU MH30740
Regular Retail Price $39.99
U/M / EA
Price $31.99
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