Pantone Colour Bridge Uncoated

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Pantone Colour Bridge Uncoated

Price: $449.99

Part Number: GG6104A
2 Availability Product Selection will vary by location.

See side-by-side comparisons of how Pantone Spot Colors look when printed using CMYK. Includes a single guide printed on uncoated paper stock. Confidently manage and visualize color expectations when printing across platforms. Guide also includes HTML and RGB equivalent values for digital design applications. Essential tool for designers to see how Pantone Spot Colors appear when printed in CMYK, rather than using spot color inks.

Includes all 2,139 Pantone Spot Colors and their closest, industry-standard CMYK color matches
Lets users specify and manage color across print graphics, digital design, web, animation, and video
Guides are printed to match G-7 calibrated CRPC6 and CRPC3 press references. For best color appearance matches to Bridge Guide CMYK swatches, designs using CMYK tint values should be proofed or printed to the same CRPC6 or CRPC3 press references.

Part No./SKU GG6104A
U/M / EA
Price $449.99
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